
Wedding photos: My Brother's wedding

Ah, there is nothing in the world quite like shooting a wedding to destroy one's will to live. That's all I'm going to say about it, lest I become bitter and start ranting about the rape of my photographer soul. These are some random pics that I like from the event. Not the best ones, but the least boring ones for sure.

Ah, cuteness.

My new Sister-In-Law, Melissa.

My nephew, and future GQ cover man, Cayden.

My sister, Heather, and my niece Carlie.

My nephew Parker, who obviously feels the same way as I do about weddings.

I understand, Cayden, I really do.

My niece Charity, all ready to go home.


The Toilet Paper & Frosting Gang.


Rachel said...

Of course I love these. Weddings really are not that bad when you really think about it.

Think about it REALLLL real hard!

Brandon Wilde said...

They really aren't that bad, but photographing them is another story.

Zackira's said...

I am glad you "horred" sp? yourself out! Those are awesome!