
Mill B South Fork to Lake Blanche

This year is the best for hiking if you want to see lots of flowers. Amelia and I went on this hike last week. It was good times.


Shooting Children, but Nicely

What do you do when confronted by a small girl who hates having her picture taken and insists on crying and not looking at the camera? The answer is simple. Use trickery, and strange manipulative techniques. Long story. But it all turned out ok in the end. I guess.


Blah. Wedding.

I feel I have been neglecting this blog as of late. I just haven't felt too excited about any photos I have taken. So, just to keep things moving forward here are a few quirky, or otherwise amusing moments from last weeks wedding.

Now that is a fashion statement I can get behind. I don't know why, but it sort of turns me on just a little bit.