
Mill B South Fork to Lake Blanche

This year is the best for hiking if you want to see lots of flowers. Amelia and I went on this hike last week. It was good times.


Whittron said...

wow, what hike was this?

Rachel said...

Whoa. This ALMOST makes me want to hike to see that.


Brandon Wilde said...

There's a parking lot at the bottom of the S-Curve in Big Cottonwood Canyon (8 or 9 miles up from the bottom of the canyon I believe) that says "Mill B South". There are three trails. Two of them go all the way to the top of the rim between Big and Little Cottonwood canyons. The middle trail, however, goes to Lake Blanche. That's where I took these photos.

Amelia said...

That was fun hiking on this trail. We need to go hiking again soon. I really like all of these pictures, but especially the first one.

Walt Sorensen said...

Love the flowers in the rock wall....all Nice stuff